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Are there any plans to release this game on steam?


This game Crashes on Android. 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I think I already know, but I have to ask, Virus Total is not an exact hit but some kind of warning yes?

I assume this is a renpy thing but I still want to mention that it found Jiangmin and VBA32 trojan count.   Well for the second it's some ExploitCode.  

They are called like that and from what I know probably harmless but still.

I want an comment before I start unpacking,  I found this after seeing a comment under shelter on steam I believe.

I get the same from Stellar Dreams, just wanted to check in with you if you know about it and to make sure I remember this correctly.


Is there only voice acting in some scenes? The voice over only seems to work in a few.


Can you please add a non mega link ?


Is this a renpy? I was browsing about and couldn't tell, from what the comments say, this will be a good one to play through.


It does not seem to be possible to get Miriam to come to the capital with me. Has that been removed


Absolutely AMAZING game! I LOVE how many choices and how many different paths there are! Just one note -- I wish Ghzorka was a bit more dominant/sadistic towards the protagonist. She's good as she is, I just wish she would go a step or two further with it. But regardless, fantastic game!

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I unlock scene 4 of 4 for Rosalin's final gallery scene? Also, it looks like there's a scene for Morta/Death's romance route that I can't find (scene 5 in the gallery), and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get Lulu's second set of scenes.

Awesome game😁😃😄😉


alright ngl, Morta's romance branch was suprisingly wholesome


On patreon there is a full version with walkthroughs?

does it have animated scenes now 2 or only images?

(2 edits) (+1)

There seems mistake in story path text - when you "hired" Dabna as maid, after Corporal came to your house and invited you to tavern for drinks. So they start to speak about Dabna - first main char asking Corporal "hows Dabna?", and corporal answer, that she helped Dabna to get working to library.. but she supposed to help your mother, at home. Lol.


We will take a look at that.


Fixed and reuploaded.

(1 edit) (+3)

the windows version for mega download link is not working 

The file you are trying to download is no longer available

Does anyone know how to get to the best ending? Like having the women get almost all of them pregnant.


I think they're stopped updating on itch not unusual for a lot of devs it does seem to be available elsewhere on windows 


Updates are all patreon at this point I think.


Interesting that only the Android version is available.  Looks like Mega has removed it.

How much mind control does this have and which type is it?


Windows download is not working :(


its not cool.

maybe author can do one project at time? its kinda long time in development and not finished... seems i will never see it


the game keeps being updated on their Patreon page


Does the broken windows link mean that development has stopped for windows, or was removed for other reasons?

(1 edit) (+1)

Finished Ghorza route on my 1st playthrough. Its one of those games where "came for porn, stayed for story" term applies perfectly. Will try the other routes. Keep up the fantastic work.


Does anyone know how you get deaths path?

(2 edits)


The game is looking great right now but it's clear that the "erotic images" at the begining of the game contains more details and 3D shades, they used to look beautiful. After traveling to the capitel, the quality just drops and the images looks plain, It doesnt stay the same like S.H.E.L.T.E.R

thanks. please  leave language pack? i advice it translate to my country.


Hey, so I have a question about the dwarf slave.

In the previous version there was an option to keep her for yourself but that isn't available anymore or am I just missing something?


this had a great start but at the mid point it started to introduce some things that never really  went anywhere and the ending felt way to rushed so the beginning was great but after that it just lost it because it felt like i said way to rushed


10 with Lady Death         which path to choose to get to her or please make a walkthrough 

Touch her face when you ask her if she feel things.

It doesn't even give me an option to touch her face

no you literally have to touch her face. In irnian there are hidden action in the game. When you are have sex don't hit the end option instead click her face and her route starts. 

Oooh, just played it. Thanks! I was honestly expecting a little more picking her path. Kinda disappointing lol.

bro which path leads to direct become king   i tried many but ended up as queens hand in end   please tell me bro 


really good game, with lots of choises wich leads to a lot of different paths and sexual partner but the best part is that the game is 100% FREE. Im on window and the only litle bug that I had was that sometimes the voice over wouldnt play.

The Android version downloads as a .rar file instead of an apk

Try again.

It's working now (probably was shortly after you replied, but life is a bitch and keeps everything full of fuckery)

I came across a problem for android. I denied helping the orc and i yelled and screamed getting the drow killed. When i seduce beatrice in the castle the maid comes in afterwards and no matter what is chosen it repeats on the maid entering, making it unable to move foward.


Try a different route, like helping the orc. You can ignore her afterwards if you so wish.

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